The PCT100 machine is suggested for hard materials like granite. It is provided with “Down the Hole Hammer” or Hydraulic hammer and a particular hydraulic device for rotation and advancing. This characteristic allows to obtain top performances not obtainable with traditional systems: exceptional drilling speed (8,6 Meters per hour on “Azul Bahia” granite), low air consumption, light weigh, small dimensions, deviation error free. It can drill in every position and it is free from maintenance. The machine is supplied with a self-moving system by trucks with diesel engine.Use: Guide holes for diamond wire with DTH hammer; drilling by ISD by hydraulic hammer. Possibility to use PCD tool diam.90mm
Technical specification:
Possibility of holes diameters from 60 mm. up to 100
0 mm. in every position.
Possibility to use ISD.
Free from deviation error.
No steps on the quarry
Diesel engine or electric motor